Intimate Wedding Photographer




Documenting your love in a genuine and beautiful reflection of you.  It's not about creating a picture-perfect image but rather capturing the beauty found in our perfectly imperfect moments.

MY mantra

"For me, photography goes beyond just capturing a momentous day or event; it's about encapsulating memories that stand the test of time. It's the art of creating a visual time capsule, a collection of moments you can carry with you throughout your entire life. Photos give us the ability to relive our most cherished memories, creating a legacy for generations. 



Hey! I'm Brynn Kelley a wedding photographer that truly is a romance enthusiast. I find beauty in the sweet and in-between moments—the stolen glances, laughter, genuine affection, and shared smiles.  I'm a firm believer that memories and experiences are the greatest and richest things we can have in life and like to reflect that into my work.

think we might be a good fit?

Let’S capture memories that will last a lifetime 

"Documenting life's most cherished moments"

“ there’s no one else i’d rather have capture such special moments for us. you captured us so perfectly. I am forever SO grateful for each picture.